Monday, August 20, 2012


Hey everyone,
Thanks for the emails as always. I especially liked the one from Jesse. It gave me a good laugh. Especially the part about the peasants and the chicken taking his mouth on a trip to the Terrestrial Kingdom. Jesse should email me more often. What the Bourne Legacy? I heard that Matt Damon (sp?) wasn't in this one. I don't even know how I heard that, but I did somehow. Was it good? You might have to throw it on that list for me. So how is Clark? Did you tell him hi for me? That stinks you missed the homecoming. But the after party is where it's at anyways. At least that's where the food is at. And that's what's important.
Well this week was good. I wrote in my journal last night and realized I missed the entire week of writing. I hate it when that happens. But it usually means we were busy and that's what we want. I went on exchanges with one of the district leaders in our zone. Nothing too exciting there. But it's kind of funny becuase when this missionary first started his mission, I was his district leader, and then we got transfered to the same district again and now he's my district leader. So we just talked about district leader stuff and things like that. It was kind of hard though because he's Korean so I got a good dose of listening and speaking practice. Which reminds me, I have been studying Chinese characters the past few weeks because like 70 percent of Korean is based off of Chinese. It's the best! I learned something cool. The Chinese character for America also means beautiful. Hmm...what a coincidence. So I just wanted to share that with you. You guys might appreciate it more than my Australian companion. Haha.
We had a cool experience on the street this week. We started contacting a guy which led into kind of a long discussion and so he invited us into his work and we got to sit down and introduce the Book of Mormon to him. He seems like he has a lot of interest. He could be pretty golden. We were supposed to meet him again last Saturday, but something came up and he had to reschedule. So hopefully that works out well.
The biggest highlight this week was our baptism yesterday! It was really good. Our investigator is so solid! We met with her on Saturday night and just went over her reading in the Book of Mormon. She read up to 1 Nephi 11 and while we were talking about it, she had some really good questions. One of her questions was in chapter 8 about the tree of life and why some people made it all the way to the tree and ate the fruit but then turned away. It caught us a little off guard. I didn't even think about that until like my senior year so I wasn't expecting a question like that. She also asked why Nephi was commanded to kill Laban. It was kind of hard to explain, but with some help from our member we made it through. She's pretty smart. The baptism went really well. We had good support from our branch. I'll send a picture. One of the members bore her testimony at the baptismal service and she talked about how she was baptized at the same age and around the same time as our investigator. It was cool to see how good of a member she had become since she was baptized and it made me think our investigator can become like her. I certainly hope so.

Those were probably the main things this week. At least the main things I can remember. Hopefully this will compensate a bit for my lack of journal writing. We have our temple trip tomorrow. The missionaries usually go to a morning session, but because we're way out in the boonies, we're going in to Seoul tommorrow and having our P-day there and then go to an evening session. And then we get to stay the night there again. I like having the temple be our little summer cottage. If you're going to have any "summer cottage" it might as well be the temple. Then we have zone conference the next day. This will be the first one with our new president so I'm pretty excited. I'll try to give you a report of that next week. Have fun at school! Kadin's going to need all the blessings Heaven can afford in order to not get beat up at school. Haha. Talk to you later!
Love, Elder Dorius

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